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الصفحة الرئيسية > أخبار > Coolingstyle Secures Groundbreaking Patent for High-Power Laser Cooling System

Coolingstyle Secures Groundbreaking Patent for High-Power Laser Cooling System

Introduction to the Patent: High-Power Gap Laser Heat Dissipation System

This patent presents an innovative heat dissipation system and application method for high-power gap-type lasers, addressing the need for efficient cooling in compact systems.

Patent Overview

The system utilizes a unique arrangement of three interconnected water tanks and a series of pumps to regulate water flow and temperature. وتشمل الميزات الرئيسية:

  • Dual Functionality: The first and second water tanks alternate between storing cold water and receiving high-temperature water, maximizing cooling efficiency.
  • Optimized Circulation: The third water tank supports continuous cooling by circulating water through the gap laser and returning it for reuse.
  • تصميم مدمج: By leveraging intermittent cold storage and minimizing overall tank volume, the system achieves a lightweight, portable form factor suitable for mobile applications.

This design significantly enhances cooling performance while reducing the system's size, making it ideal for high-power laser applications.

Technological and Industrial Impact

This invention represents another milestone for Coolingstyle, highlighting its commitment to technological innovation و industry-academic collaboration. It strengthens Coolingstyle’s position in the development of high-performance cooling systems by addressing critical needs in precision industries.


The heat dissipation system is particularly suited for:

  • Ultraviolet Laser Cooling
  • Ultra-Fast Laser Systems
  • 3D Printing Laser Cooling
  • Compact Industrial and Scientific Refrigeration

Key Product Lines

Coolingstyle has diversified its offerings into two primary lines:

  1. High-Precision Laser Chillers: Supporting industrial interconnection with small-scale, efficient designs.
  2. Smart Wearable Human Cooling Systems: Promoting dual-use technologies for both civilian and military applications.


The successful patenting of this innovative heat dissipation system underscores Coolingstyle’s leadership in advanced cooling technologies. With a focus on miniaturization, mobility, and high efficiency, this system lays the groundwork for broader applications in industries ranging from industrial lasers to wearable cooling devices. Coolingstyle continues to push boundaries in integrating cutting-edge technology with practical solutions for industrial and personal use.

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