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الصفحة الرئيسية > أخبار > بدأ الإنتاج في مصنع Coolingstyle الجديد

بدأ الإنتاج في مصنع Coolingstyle الجديد

أسلوب التبريد(تشجيانغ) شركة التكنولوجيا, المحدودة. is a holding subsidiary of Shenzhen Coolingstyle Technology Co., Ltd., with a registered capital of 15 million yuan. It is mainly responsible for customer service in the Yangtze River Delta area and the development of related new projects. The new company is located in Keqiao City, Shaoxing. It is a key talent project introduced by Keqiao District. The Development Zone and Science and Technology City have given strong support to the project!

أسلوب التبريد is a national high-tech enterprise specializing in micro-environment cooling technology research and development, program design and product manufacturing. It is the earliest domestic leader in the micro-environment cooling industry. The company’s business from the earliest military scientific research, and gradually deepened into industrial applications, civilian consumption and other industries. The founder of the company graduated from Tsinghua University, and has always adhered to the road of “حقوق الملكية الفكرية المستقلة”, “combination of production, education and research” و “التكامل العسكري والمدني”. في الوقت الحالي, the company has more than 50 related intellectual property rights, and has successively cooperated with the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics(CSIC), China Electric Power, China Aerospace, Weapons Industry and other national key scientific research institutes to cooperate and successfully complete the project. At the end of year 2021, Coolingstyle is introduced as a high-level talent project at home and abroad in Shaoxing, and is settled in Keqiao Science and Technology Park, Shaoxing, serving customers in the Yangtze River Delta.

Coolingstyle currently has two companies in Shenzhen headquarters and Zhejiang company. We sincerely welcome newcomers with passion and fighting spirit to join the team. Coolingstyle is vigorously recruiting electronic engineers, refrigeration engineers, structural engineers, test engineers and other R&D personnel to expand R&D reserves. في الوقت الحالي, the company has implemented follow-up chip test cooling projects, supercomputing computer CPU and GPU cooling projects, و -80 ℃ cryogenic temperature and many other projects. A series of new projects based on miniature DC inverter compressors have been transferred to Zhejiang Company for development, and are negotiating relevant industry-university-research cooperation with major local universities.

The Zhejiang Coolingstyle Company currently has a production area of 2,000 square meters and a designed production capacity of 30,000 units per year. The current production line has been put into use. The establishment of Coolingstyle (تشجيانغ) Company marks the start of another market strategy journey. The new company is based in Shaoxing, تشجيانغ, with a more complete organizational structure, combined with deeper regional expansion strategic support and service to customers in the Yangtze River Delta, quickly respond to customer needs, and provide customers in the Yangtze River Delta with more timely, efficient, and closer to the market frontline. Service and support, to further expand the operation, improve the quality, develop the market, and make the Coolingstyle to a higher level.

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