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الصفحة الرئيسية > أخبار > تعرض شركة Coolingstyle المبردات المبتكرة في معرض الليزر 2024 في هانوفر شنتشن

تعرض شركة Coolingstyle المبردات المبتكرة في معرض الليزر 2024 في هانوفر شنتشن

فى يونيو 2024, Coolingstyle unveiled its latest chiller series at the Laser Show in Hannover Shenzhen. As a leading supplier of refrigeration equipment, Coolingstyle showcased its technological advancements and product performance, attracting significant attention and positive feedback from industry professionals and visitors worldwide.

At this year’s Laser Show, Coolingstyle introduced its micro chiller Q series, including the popular Q420 and Q4U models. The highlight of the exhibition was the new M160 large-capacity chiller, which captivated both new and returning customers. These products feature advanced refrigeration technology and intelligent control systems, achieving precise temperature control up to ±0.01℃. This ensures the efficient operation of laser equipment, coupled with high energy efficiency and reliable performance.

Coolingstyle representatives engaged in-depth with attendees, discussing the technical benefits of their chillers, such as improved production efficiency, reduced energy consumption, and environmental sustainability. The miniature laser chiller series, known for its compact size, تصميم خفيف الوزن, and high precision temperature control, received high praise from potential customers and industry experts alike.

As a participant in the Hannover Shenzhen Laser Show, Coolingstyle remains optimistic about the future. We plan to continue optimizing and expanding its chiller product line through technological innovation to meet the diverse needs of its global customers. By participating in international industry exhibitions, Coolingstyle aims to strengthen its partnerships with global partners, advancing refrigeration technology and expanding the global market. Coolingstyle is committed to providing better and more reliable refrigeration solutions to its customers worldwide, embracing future challenges and opportunities together.

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