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الصفحة الرئيسية > مدونة او مذكرة > Coolingstyle Secures Two New Utility Model Patents in 2022

Coolingstyle Secures Two New Utility Model Patents in 2022

Coolingstyle is proud to announce the successful application and issuance of two new utility model patents, marking another significant milestone in our innovation journey. أقل, we provide a brief overview of these patents and their impact.

Patent One: Double Refrigeration System Chiller

  • Patent Name: Double Refrigeration System Chiller
  • Authorization Date: يناير 7, 2022

This utility model introduces a double refrigeration system chiller designed to overcome challenges like large size, limited versatility, and low fault tolerance of conventional chillers.

The design features:

  • Two Independent Refrigeration Systems: Each system includes a compressor, مكثف, and heat exchanger, powered by separate DC power supplies and control boards for improved fault tolerance and versatility.
  • Integrated Water Cycle: A water tank and pump allow the first and second refrigeration systems to form a complete water cycle, ensuring efficient cooling for external equipment.
  • Compact and Efficient Design: This chiller is smaller in size, more versatile, and more robust in handling faults.

The innovative design sets a new standard in refrigeration, making it ideal for applications requiring reliability and adaptability.

Patent Two: Miniature High-Precision Laser Chiller

  • Patent Name: Miniature High-Precision Laser Chiller
  • Authorization Date: يناير 18, 2022

This utility model focuses on a miniature high-precision laser chiller, offering a compact and highly efficient cooling solution for laser systems.

وتشمل الميزات الرئيسية:

  • High-Efficiency Micro-Compressor: Ensures superior cooling performance with minimal energy consumption.
  • Counter-Type Plate Heat Exchanger: Provides optimal heat transfer and improved refrigeration efficiency.
  • Integrated Design: Includes a refrigeration cycle component (ضاغط, مكثف, and heat exchanger), a water cycle component, and a control circuit within a compact casing.

This chiller is perfect for applications requiring precision cooling in tight spaces, such as industrial laser systems.

Driving Innovation in the Refrigeration Industry

With these patents, Coolingstyle continues to expand its portfolio of intellectual property, now totaling over 50 related patents. Our products cater to diverse industries, focusing on two primary product lines:

  1. Small High-Precision Laser Chillers: Supporting industrial interconnectivity.
  2. Intelligent Wearable Human Body Cooling Systems: Promoting military-civilian integration.

Why Coolingstyle Stands Out

Coolingstyle products are known for their:

  • حجم صغير: Perfect for integration in space-constrained environments.
  • Lightweight Design: Enhancing portability and usability.
  • كفاءة الطاقة: Lower power consumption without compromising performance.
  • Ease of Integration: Seamless compatibility with various systems.

أتطلع قدما

Coolingstyle remains committed to the principles of حقوق الملكية الفكرية المستقلة و combination of production, education, and research. These new patents solidify our position as a leader in the micro-environment refrigeration industry.

ونحن ننظر إلى المستقبل, Coolingstyle will continue to push the boundaries of innovation, offering cutting-edge solutions that redefine the refrigeration landscape. معاً, let's build a cooler, smarter, and more sustainable future!

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