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الصفحة الرئيسية > أخبار > Coolingstyle Secures ISO9001 and ISO14001 Certifications, Marking a Milestone in Quality and Environmental Management

Coolingstyle Secures ISO9001 and ISO14001 Certifications, Marking a Milestone in Quality and Environmental Management

في ديسمبر 6, أسلوب التبريد (تشجيانغ) شركة was awarded the ISO9001 Quality Management System Certification و ISO14001 Environmental Management System Certification by Zhejiang Quanpin Certification Co., Ltd., underscoring its commitment to standardized and sustainable operations.

Details of the Certifications

  1. ISO9001 Quality Management System Certification
    • Standard: GB/T19001-2016 / ISO9001:2015
    • Scope: Research, تطوير, production, and sales of chiller equipment
  2. ISO14001 Environmental Management System Certification
    • Standard: GB/T24001-2016 / ISO14001:2015
    • Scope: Research, تطوير, production, and sales of chiller equipment, including related management activities

Both certifications carry the CNAS/IAF logos, signifying recognition by China's National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS) and mutual recognition internationally.

Significance of the Certifications

These certifications demonstrate that Coolingstyle:

  1. Possesses the technical capability to meet stringent international standards for certification, اختبار, and calibration.
  2. Is recognized by accreditation bodies globally through mutual recognition agreements, ensuring international credibility.
  3. Gains access to international cooperation and exchanges in conformity assessment.
  4. Is authorized to use the CNAS accreditation mark within the scope of accreditation.

A New Chapter for Coolingstyle

Achieving ISO9001 و ISO14001 certifications reflects Coolingstyle’s commitment to:

  • Operating under a robust and standardized management system.
  • Enhancing internal processes and corporate culture.
  • Improving employee quality and organizational efficiency.

This milestone paves the way for further advancements in quality assurance and environmental stewardship. Coolingstyle will continue to build upon these certifications to strengthen its management practices and deliver high-quality, sustainable solutions in the chiller industry.


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