+1 (406) 310-1121
+86 13016488084

CS-MRC-Q4002451 مبرد طبي


الميزات الرئيسية:

  • تصميم مدمج ومحمول: من السهل الاندماج والانتقال, making it perfect for various laboratory setups.
  • Intelligent Frequency Conversion: Reduces energy consumption while maintaining consistent performance.
  • Precision Temperature Control: Maintains a stable temperature with an accuracy of ±0.1℃, crucial for reliable diagnostic results.
  • Safety Alarms: High and low temperature alarms ensure equipment protection and operational safety.
  • User-Friendly Interface: High-definition LCD screen provides clear, real-time monitoring of system status.
  • Flexible Power Options: Compatible with AC220V (معيار), تيار متردد 110 فولت/تيار مستمر 24 فولت (خياري) for diverse power environments.
  • RS485 Communication (Optional): Allows for remote monitoring and control, enhancing system integration and data management.


The CS-MRC-Q4002451 is designed to meet the specific requirements of IVD equipment, ensuring precise temperature control for consistent and accurate diagnostic results. This chiller is ideal for use in laboratories, medical facilities, and other environments where reliable temperature management is critical to the operation of diagnostic devices.



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