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الصفحة الرئيسية > أخبار > Revolutionizing Micro-Environment Cooling: An Exclusive with Coolingstyle’s Founder Yuancheng Zhu

Revolutionizing Micro-Environment Cooling: An Exclusive with Coolingstyle’s Founder Yuancheng Zhu

In today's episode of Star of Science and Technology, recommended by Dr. Tang Bo, Dean of the Shenzhen Zhisheng High Technology Research Institute, we explore the groundbreaking advances in micro-environment cooling technology. Unlike traditional cooling methods that regulate large spaces, micro-environment cooling targets localized areas or heat sources directly. With the advent of Industry 4.0, this intelligent temperature control system has found widespread application across military, صناعي, and other sectors. Innovation Bay had the privilege of interviewing Yuancheng Zhu, the founder of Coolingstyle, to discuss the company’s core technologies and their industrial applications.

The Core of Cooling: Micro Compressors

In extreme heat, the human body’s temperature regulation can falter, leading to heatstroke, cardiovascular complications, or even death. Similarly, high temperatures can damage sensitive instruments and equipment, such as electronics, communication devices, and computing systems, causing irreversible failures. Addressing these challenges, wearable cooling systems with micro-compressors provide a compact solution for personal comfort and equipment safety in demanding environments.

Traditional cooling involves cooling entire environments, whereas micro-environment cooling focuses on localized spaces or heat sources. While this concept originated in military applications, it has since expanded into civilian and industrial uses due to advancements in refrigeration technology and the global push for energy efficiency and emission reduction.

The micro-compressor is the "قلب" of any refrigeration system, defining its overall performance. Unlike conventional compressors, which are often too bulky or inefficient for specialized needs, micro-compressors enable precise, وزن خفيف, and energy-efficient cooling. Without these innovations, micro-environment cooling would remain out of reach.

أسلوب التبريد: A Pioneer in Micro-Environment Cooling

تأسست في 2013, Coolingstyle is a trailblazer in the micro-environment cooling industry. The company specializes in advanced micro-refrigeration technology, offering solutions that address challenges in compact, high-heat environments. Drawing on its military R&D roots, Coolingstyle has adapted its cutting-edge technology for industrial and civilian applications.

At the heart of its offerings is the miniature DC inverter compressor. Weighing just 800g and with a cylinder diameter of 56mm, this compressor powers systems ranging from portable air conditioners to body cooling systems, الأجهزة الطبية, and industrial chillers. Coolingstyle's proprietary compressor technology ensures high precision, maintaining temperature stability within ±0.1°C, even under challenging conditions.

Meeting Industry Needs with Precision and Innovation

Coolingstyle understands the technical demands of miniaturized cooling systems. Shrinking industrial equipment to fit compact environments requires overcoming significant technical hurdles. Coolingstyle’s engineers have continually refined their designs, creating solutions that blend efficiency, portability, and precision.

The company offers two main product lines:

  1. High-Precision Laser Chillers: Designed to maintain optimal performance for laser equipment in applications like ultra-fast lasers, UV solid lasers, 3د الطباعة, and small industrial chillers. These chillers regulate laser generator temperatures with water circulation, ensuring consistent output and reliability.
  2. Wearable Human Body Cooling Systems: Ideal for industries such as mining, outdoor work, and motorsports, these systems provide portable, lightweight cooling powered by DC or AC sources. Supported by funding from the National Defense Military Commission, these systems have been optimized for improved portability and performance.
Testers without the cooling suit sweated profusely within 15 minutes under the scorching sun. في المقابل, those wearing the cooling suit remained sweat-free even after 2 hours of exposure, with the suit’s battery lasting the entire duration.

From Laboratory to Market: A Decade of Excellence

Coolingstyle’s success lies in its deep technical expertise and visionary leadership. The company’s founder, Yuancheng تشو, is a Tsinghua University alumnus who contributed to multiple military cooling projects and holds several design patents. Together with CTO Weiguo Xiong and a team of experts from prestigious universities, Coolingstyle has become a leader in micro-environment cooling.

Their innovative culture has attracted investments from Shenzhen Enterprise Credit Financing Guarantee Group and Shenzhen Talent Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fund. Over a decade of R&D and market cultivation, Coolingstyle has transformed its core technologies into industrialized solutions ready to meet market demands.

Building a Future Together

In Zhu’s words, "We embrace an open-minded approach to partnerships. Whether in management, marketing, or supply chain, we welcome talented individuals to join us in turning an ordinary industry into an extraordinary business." This collaborative spirit has positioned Coolingstyle as a standout in the competitive landscape of micro-environment cooling.

The Coolingstyle Legacy

From military origins to industrial and consumer applications, Coolingstyle remains committed to advancing technology as the soul of its business. With its innovative solutions and steadfast dedication to excellence, the company continues to lead the micro-environment cooling industry, ensuring comfort, أمان, and efficiency for diverse applications. Coolingstyle’s journey exemplifies how passion and innovation can transform challenges into opportunities, blazing a trail for others to follow.

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