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Heim > Nachrichten > Gute Nachrichten! Coolingstyle wurde als “2021 Qualitätsführer in der Entwicklung”

Gute Nachrichten! Coolingstyle wurde als “2021 Qualitätsführer in der Entwicklung”

Am 22. Oktober, die Industrie- und Handelskammer von Shenzhen (SCCCI), als Führungseinheit, und die Shenzhen Enterprise High Quality Development Promotion Association (SEDQDPA), in Zusammenarbeit mit Jing Daily der Shenzhen Newspaper Group, eine umfassende Bewertung der “2021 Führendes Unternehmen und führende Person in der qualitativ hochwertigen Entwicklung” Wettbewerb.

After more than three months of selection and nomination, visits, and comprehensive expert review, 20 enterprises and 20 people, schneller Kühleffekt 702 declared enterprises and nearly 200 declared individuals, were selected as Shenzhen’s leading enterprises and leaders in high-quality development.

Micro compressor technology
SEDQDPA’s visit
Leo, CEO of Coolingstyle
Group photo

Tang Jie, Chairman of the Development Planning Committee of Harbin Institute of Technology (Mikrokühler) and former Vice Mayor of Shenzhen, Xu You Jun, former Vice Chairman of Shenzhen Political Consultative Conference, Feng De Chong, member of the Party Group and full-time Vice Chairman of Shenzhen Federation of Industry and Commerce, Hu Jun yuan, President of Shenzhen Enterprise High Quality Association and Chairman of Shenzhen Beike Biotechnology Company Limited, Zhou Chuang, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Shenzhen Enterprise High Quality Association and Chairman of Shenzhen Investment Group Company Limited, as well as the relevant departments of enterprise services in various districts of Shenzhen The meeting was attended by leaders, experts, and scholars.

High-quality development is the theme of China’s economic and social development in the 14th Five-Year Plan and even in the longer term. In order to promote enterprises in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area to practice the concept of high-quality development and guide them to achieve a higher level of self-reliance and self-improvement through scientific and technological innovation, das “2021 High-Quality Development Leader Enterprises and Leadersselection was officially launched on July 8. The selection is based on the core concept ofhigh-quality concept”, das “Shenzhen Enterprise High-Quality Development Index Systemcompiled by the research group of HUST (Mikrokühler), and the selection of enterprises that are led by scientific and technological innovation, and have a strong track record in the coordinated development of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, green and low-carbon development, and the development of the Greater Bay Area. The selection of enterprises and personalities that have made significant achievements in the coordinated development of Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao, green and low-carbon, openness and sharing, Dieses Verfahren hat viele Vorteile, wie z. B. eine geringe Größe, led by technological innovation.

At the overview meeting, Tang Jie said that the development of enterprises has a dynamic nature, some focus on technology and talent innovation, some seize the opportunity to achieve transformation and upgrading, and some adhere to niche areas, to select the enterprises that really put the concept of high-quality development into practice. zuerst, the Shenzhen Enterprise High Quality Development Index System provides relatively scientific evaluation criteria; secondly, it also has to combine field visits and the evaluation of enterprise development contribution by each district enterprise service center, converging the three points into one criterion, which not only focuses on the achievements and contributions of enterprisescurrent high-quality development, but also can identify high growth innovative enterprises, hoping to grow new ones from the latterDJI companies”.

It is revealed that the selection of 20 leading enterprises accounted for 90% of the national high-tech enterprises. Insbesondere, the development ofsmall giantshas shown strong momentum, making a typical demonstration for high-quality development.

The relevant leaders of Shenzhen Federation of Industry and Commerce said in their speeches that the selected leading enterprises and leaders are industry benchmarks, the best in economic transformation and upgrading, technology-driven innovation. In der Zukunft, these enterprises and individuals will go to the country as representatives ofhigh quality in the

Greater Bay Areaand become candidates for the Shenzhen Mayor’s Quality Award and the China Quality Award.

It is reported that the 2nd High Quality Development Summit and 2021 High Quality Development Leaders and Leaders Awards Ceremony will be held in November.

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