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Heim > Nachrichten > Wir feiern das Mittherbstfest: Ein Tag voller Teamgeist, Spaß, und Tradition

Wir feiern das Mittherbstfest: Ein Tag voller Teamgeist, Spaß, und Tradition

Bei Coolingstyle, Es geht uns vor allem darum, ein Gemeinschaftsgefühl aufzubauen. Dieses Jahr, we took the opportunity to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival by blending tradition with a little fun. We organized a relaxed tea party followed by a friendly basketball game, giving everyone a chance to unwind and connect in a unique way.

What is the Mid-Autumn Festival?

The Mid-Autumn Festival, often called the Moon Festival, is one of the most important holidays in Chinese culture. It falls on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month, usually sometime between late September and early October. The festival has long been a time for family gatherings, giving thanks for the harvest, and enjoying the beauty of the full moon, which symbolizes reunion and unity.

One of the most iconic parts of the festival is the sharing of mooncakes—round pastries filled with either sweet or savory fillings. They represent togetherness and are traditionally shared among family and friends. There’s also a mythical side to the festival, with the story of Chang’e, the Moon Goddess, adding a bit of romance and magic to the occasion.

Our Celebration

Bei Coolingstyle, we kicked things off with a tea party where everyone got to try different types of mooncakes and learn a bit about the festival’s history. The room was filled with the fragrance of fresh tea, and colleagues gathered in small groups, chatting and enjoying the mooncakes. Some were trying them for the first time, and the mix of sweet lotus paste and salted egg yolk was a fun new experience. It was a simple, laid-back moment where we could all enjoy the spirit of the festival—togetherness, connection, and a shared cultural experience.

After the tea, things got a little more energetic with a basketball game. Teams were formed from across different departments, and soon the court was buzzing with excitement. It wasn’t about who won or lost—everyone just enjoyed being out of the office, cheering each other on, and having a good time. The game brought out a lot of laughter, and it was a great way to build new connections in a different setting.

Bringing Culture to the Workplace

Bei Coolingstyle, we love celebrating cultural moments like this. They give us a chance to connect on a deeper level and appreciate the diversity within our team. For our international colleagues, it was a chance to experience a key part of Chinese culture firsthand, while for others, it was a reminder of the importance of tradition and community.

We’re excited to celebrate more moments like this in the future as our team continues to grow, learn from one another, and make more memories together.

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