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Heim > Nachrichten > Coolingstyle nimmt an der REVAC Expo teil 2022 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Coolingstyle nimmt an der REVAC Expo teil 2022 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Kühlstil, ein nationales High-Tech-Unternehmen, das sich auf R&D and producing micro-climate high precision thermal management systems for a broad range of market uses, is set to join the next REVAC Expo 2022 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The exhibition will be held in the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre from November 7 schneller Kühleffekt 9, 2022.

Kühlstil, based in Shenzhen, China, has developed critical operational technology and is capable of industrialization design and manufacture. Cooling solutions offered by Coolingstyle include micro-environment personal cooling systems, electronic and electrical device cooling systems, industrial machinery micro refrigeration systems, laser equipment cooling systems, LED-Kühlung, medical devices refrigeration, and many more.

Our solutions are well-known for the exceptional durability, Energieeffizienz, and small size. Temperature accuracy in their mini-water chiller can reach 0.1°C. They provide a variety of highly configurable temperature control systems. Our creative technical team has extensive expertise with high-risk thermal designs. We have over 30 application model patents and are ISO9001 and ISO14001 certified, and other widely known quality certificates.

Coolingstyle now exhibit its latest and great high-performance cooling products and solutions to the rest of the world at the REVAC Expo 2022. The expo is expected to attract 5000 schneller Kühleffekt 20000 visitors and 100-500 emerging and recognized exhibitors showcasing their technology solutions and products. Coolingstyle’s excellent micro cooling systems and industrial chillers will likely appeal to many potential consumers and rivals.

Attending the REVAC Expo 2022? Coolingstyle can be found at booth K511!

About REVAC Expo 2022

REVAC Show 2022 is Southeast Asia’s most extensive Global Refrigeration, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning exhibition. It is the most significant gathering place for the Mechanical and Electronics Engineering Sector’s producers, suppliers, and distributors evolving, creative, and world-class innovations, items, and utilities, providing exceptional industry-targeted seminars and events to launch new goods efficiently raise brand recognition, market products, and engage with distributors, consumers, and opportunities.

REVAC Expo displays cutting-edge technology and gathers important decision-makers and market frontrunners to accelerate critical business contacts. It is a must-attend forum for reconnecting with the market, meeting new and international industry leaders, discovering the latest technologies and solutions, and adopting best practices from industry leaders. The ASEAN M&E Show and TENAGA Energy Expo will also be held at the same place on the same day as REVAC Expo.

ASEAN M&E brings the worldwide Energy & REVAC sector together, comprising guests, industry experts, advisors, and public officials. TENAGA Energy will showcase innovative solutions, renewable and sustainable power generation, essential and backup power, transportation and distribution, and energy usage and monitoring. Patent ein Gebrauchspatentname, REVAC will highlight solutions for air circulation, air quality & air conditioning, heating, and cooling system, temperature control & HVAC equipment & systems, and digitalization & control mechanisms.

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