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Heim > Blog > Die duale Dynamik fliegender und statischer Lasermarkierungstechnologien

Die duale Dynamik fliegender und statischer Lasermarkierungstechnologien

In der Präzisionslasermarkierungsindustrie, Es dominieren zwei primäre Methoden: flying and static laser marking systems. Each technology addresses unique industrial needs with its specialized capabilities. Understanding their distinct advantages is crucial for industries seeking the most suitable laser marking system for their specific applications.

Insights into Flying Laser Marking Systems

Flying laser marking systems excel in environments where products move continuously. Industries such as packaging, Elektronik, and automotive find these systems invaluable due to their:

  • Operational Speed: These systems maintain high accuracy even at high speeds, making them ideal for production lines where efficiency is paramount.
  • Material Versatility: Capable of marking a diverse array of materials, from metals to plastics, they are adaptable across various sectors.
  • Contactless Operation: The non-contact nature of lasers reduces mechanical wear and enhances durability.
  • Precision Marking: Despite rapid processing speeds, these systems ensure precise markings on every item.

The Precision of Static Laser Marking Systems

Static laser marking systems are designed for operations requiring stationary items, common in sectors demanding high detail like medical devices and aerospace. They are characterized by:

  • Exceptional Accuracy: These systems achieve superior precision and detail, suitable for complex and delicate markings.
  • Reliable Consistency: Static environments allow for uniform quality in markings, crucial for maintaining high standards.
  • Adaptive Capabilities: From basic texts to intricate graphics, they handle a range of marking needs.
  • Broad Material Scope: Like their flying counterparts, static markers work on numerous substrates, offering significant flexibility.

Optimal Cooling Solutions for Laser Systems

Proper temperature regulation is vital for maximizing the efficiency and lifespan of laser marking machines. Our line of water chillers caters to both flying and static systems, ensuring optimal performance:

  • CS-ARC-Q420A110/A111, CS-ARC-Q580A110/A111: Best suited for static systems needing up to 420W-580W of cooling, perfect for UV and green lasers.
  • CS-ARC-Q4U2A110/A111: A versatile option for both flying and static applications, providing up to 600W of cooling.
  • CS-ARC-Q5U3A110: These units cater to more demanding static and flying applications, offering up to 900W and 1200W of cooling respectively.
  • CS-ARC-M270A410: For extensive operations, these chillers provide significant cooling capacities to handle the most intense laser applications.


Choosing the appropriate laser marking technology and cooling system can significantly enhance the efficiency and quality of your manufacturing processes. Our chillers are engineered to meet the specific demands of various laser applications, ensuring your operations are both efficient and precise.

To learn more about our cooling systems and how they can benefit your laser marking operations, contact our expert team today. We are ready to assist you in optimizing your production capabilities with state-of-the-art cooling solutions.

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