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Estilo de enfriamiento asistido 2021 Ceremonia de premiación de líderes en desarrollo de alta calidad

The 2nd High-Quality Development Summit” and 2021 High-Quality Development Leaders Award Ceremony was successfully held on November 3 at the Shenzhen Marriott Hotel in Shenzhen, Porcelana. A total of 20 leading enterprises and 20 leading figures were awarded, and Coolingstyle was honored with the 2021 High-Quality Development Leading Enterprise Award.

This event, not only attracted more than 300 entrepreneurs, representatives of the industrial and commercial sector, while also attended by Feng Ling, member of the Standing Committee of the Shenzhen Municipal Committee and Minister of the United Front Work Department, Zheng Haitao, member of the Standing Committee of the Foshan Municipal Committee and Vice Mayor, Lei Yuelong, Vice Mayor of Zhongshan City, Tang Xiaobing, Vice Mayor of Zhaoqing City, Li Yong, Vice Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Shenzhen Municipal Committee and Party Secretary of the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce, witnessed the award ceremony together.

As 2022 is approaching, Coolingstyle has a long way to go to achieve further success. Aquí, thanks to the support and trust of the leaders and organizers, Coolingstyle will stick to the original intention, continue to focus on the micro-environmental cooling industry, develop the enterprise around the core concept ofhigh-quality view”, strive to make a typical demonstration of high-quality development, and contribute to the high-quality development of the Bay Area to build up momentum.

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