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Il refrigeratore d'acqua di precisione in miniatura stimola lo sviluppo di laser ultraveloci

The ultrafast laser market is set to explode Laser technology is closely related to today’s life and has been widely used in various fields such as industry, agriculture, measurement, communication, medicinale, military and scientific research. With the rise of ultrafast laser technology, microfabrication will become one of the most promising areas of growth in laser

Il refrigeratore d'acqua di precisione in miniatura stimola lo sviluppo di laser ultraveloci Leggi tutto »

Revolutionizing Laser Cooling: Introducing the CS-ARC-Q580A111 Miniature Chiller

Efficient cooling is crucial for lasers, as a significant portion of electrical energy is converted into heat during operation. To address this challenge, Coolingstyle developed the CS-ARC-Q580A110 Miniature Chiller—a compact, leggero, and highly precise cooling solution designed for a wide range of applications. Here’s a detailed breakdown of why this chiller stands out. 1. Choosing

Revolutionizing Laser Cooling: Introducing the CS-ARC-Q580A111 Miniature Chiller Leggi tutto »

Sblocco delle massime prestazioni del laser: La guida essenziale per una gestione termica efficiente

Laser, inventato per la prima volta negli anni '60, sono diventati strumenti indispensabili in vari settori. tuttavia, come con tutti i dispositivi ad alta energia, la gestione del calore che generano è fondamentale per garantirne le prestazioni, durata, e sicurezza. Esploriamo cosa sono i laser, Tipici dispositivi correlati al modello per forma montata su rack, e come gestire efficacemente le proprie esigenze termiche. Cos'è un laser? A laser is

Sblocco delle massime prestazioni del laser: La guida essenziale per una gestione termica efficiente Leggi tutto »

Coolingstyle Wins “2021 Laser Industry Innovation Contribution Awardat the 4th Red Light Awards

On the evening of September 27, 2021, the highly anticipated 4thRed Light AwardsCeremony and the LMN 2021 World Laser Manufacturing Conference Appreciation Dinner concluded successfully in Shenzhen, Cina. The event coincided with the grand opening of the 15th Shenzhen International Laser and Intelligent Equipment and Optoelectronic Technology Fair, held in Hall 8 Di …

Coolingstyle Wins “2021 Laser Industry Innovation Contribution Awardat the 4th Red Light Awards Leggi tutto »

Coolingstyle Shines at the 6th Shaoxing Global Innovation Contest with Award-Winning Micro-Environment Cooling Technology

On September 24, 2021, the finals of the “6th Shaoxing China Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship Contest of High-Level Talentswere successfully held in Shaoxing, Cina. Organized by the CPC Shaoxing Municipal Committee and the Shaoxing Municipal People’s Government, the event showcased 18 high-tech projects with promising business prospects, selected from four sub-contests and one semi-final. …

Coolingstyle Shines at the 6th Shaoxing Global Innovation Contest with Award-Winning Micro-Environment Cooling Technology Leggi tutto »

Revolutionizing Micro-Environment Cooling: An Exclusive with Coolingstyle’s Founder Yuancheng Zhu

In today’s episode of Star of Science and Technology, recommended by Dr. Tang Bo, Dean of the Shenzhen Zhisheng High Technology Research Institute, we explore the groundbreaking advances in micro-environment cooling technology. Unlike traditional cooling methods that regulate large spaces, micro-environment cooling targets localized areas or heat sources directly. With the advent of Industry 4.0, …

Revolutionizing Micro-Environment Cooling: An Exclusive with Coolingstyle’s Founder Yuancheng Zhu Leggi tutto »

Padroneggiare la logistica della catena del freddo: Raffreddamento di precisione per merci sensibili

Understanding Cold Chain Logistics Cold chain logistics refers to the temperature-controlled transportation and storage of climate-sensitive goods. A complete cold chain encompasses a series of uninterrupted processes, including production, magazzinaggio, and distribution, supported by specialized equipment and logistics systems. The primary goal is to maintain a specific low-temperature range to preserve product quality and extend

Padroneggiare la logistica della catena del freddo: Raffreddamento di precisione per merci sensibili Leggi tutto »

Il ruolo essenziale della gestione termica nelle applicazioni laser

Inventato negli anni '60, Un laser è un dispositivo che emette luce attraverso un processo di amplificazione ottica. La capacità di lettura del laser, tagliare, segnare e legare materiali resistenti e così via. è ampiamente utilizzato in molti settori. What Can Lasers Do? Perché i laser necessitano di gestione termica? The operation of lasers, especially industrial ones, …

Il ruolo essenziale della gestione termica nelle applicazioni laser Leggi tutto »

Rivoluzionare il raffreddamento: The Power of Micro Cooling Systems

Similar to conventional cooling systems, micro cooling systems consist of four primary components: un compressore, aprile, a capillary throttle, aprile. tuttavia, in micro cooling systems, all these components are significantly smaller than those found in standard cooling products. How It Works What Sets Coolingstyle Apart? Compact and Powerful Design The compressor is

Rivoluzionare il raffreddamento: The Power of Micro Cooling Systems Leggi tutto »


The End of R134a in Europe: Future Bans and the Green Transformation of the Refrigeration Industry?
Air pollution and climate change are worsening. Your refrigeration equipment may soon be outdated. Are...


Buone notizie! Sette brevetti concessi dall'ufficio della proprietà intellettuale nazionale
Recentemente, Alla nostra azienda sono stati concessi sette brevetti dall'ufficio della proprietà intellettuale nazionale, tra cui ...



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