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정밀한 온도 제어로 약물 안전성과 효능 보장


In medical procedures, 약물의 안정성과 효능을 유지하는 것이 가장 중요합니다., especially for infusion bags that require strict temperature control. Overheating or overcooling of the infusion solution can affect drug potency and even pose health risks to patients1. Our innovative temperature control device, specifically designed for medical infusion bags, provides precise and stable temperature management throughout the infusion process, ensuring medication safety and optimal therapeutic outcomes.


This temperature control device from Coolingstyle offers precise temperature management for medical infusion bags, ensuring that medications remain in their ideal state, thereby enhancing efficacy and safeguarding patient health2.

Bridging the Gap in Medication Safety

We developed this device to address the challenges faced in traditional infusion processes, where temperature fluctuations of infusion bags can lead to reduced drug efficacy3. Through intelligent temperature control technology, we assist medical institutions in better ensuring patient treatment effectiveness.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: Why is temperature control of medical infusion bags so important?

The temperature of infusion medications plays a critical role in their stability and effectiveness. If the infusion solution is too hot or cold, it can lead to changes or degradation of the drug components, rendering them ineffective or even harmful1. Certain medications may produce adverse effects on patients when exposed to extreme temperatures. 그러므로, maintaining the infusion solution within an appropriate temperature range is a key factor in ensuring medication safety.

Question 2: What is the working principle of this temperature control device?

Our device utilizes precision sensors and a micro refrigeration system to monitor and adjust the temperature of the medical infusion bag in real-time5. Regardless of environmental changes, the device ensures that the temperature of the infusion bag remains within the preset range6. The intelligent design of the device makes temperature control operations simple and convenient for medical staff.

Question 3: How is the cooling performance of the device?

This device has a target cooling capacity of 400W, suitable for various medical settings. It achieves an accuracy of ±1℃, ensuring that the medication in the infusion bag remains within the ideal temperature range, thus preserving its efficacy.

Question 4: What are the dimensions and design features of the device?

  • 크기: The overall dimensions of the device are 615mm x 484mm x 330mm, making it convenient for placement and transport within medical facilities.
  • Base: Constructed with internally processed sheet metal, the base ensures structural stability and durability for long-term use1.

Question 5: What are the benefits of using this device?

  • Enhance Medication Efficacy: Maintains medications at their optimal temperature state, ensuring their effectiveness1.
  • Reduce Risks: Prevents medication failure or adverse reactions due to improper temperatures.
  • Improve Work Efficiency: The automatic temperature control function reduces the workload of medical staff.
  • 쉬운 통합: Support for MODBUS communication allows seamless integration with existing medical systems and equipment.
  • 사용자 친화적인 디자인: Simple operation and minimal maintenance requirements make it convenient for daily use.

Coolingstyle 소형 압축기의 응용

This temperature control device not only excels in maintaining the temperature of medical infusion bags but also provides medical institutions with a simple, safe, and efficient solution to ensure patients receive the best possible treatment outcomes7. By incorporating advanced technology and thoughtful design, we are committed to enhancing patient care and supporting healthcare professionals in their vital work8.

1. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16490646/
2. https://www.amazon.co.uk/MediGenix-CoolMeds-Transporting-Temperature-Sensitive/dp/B00XPPHOI8
3. https://www.medicaldevices.co.uk/patient-temperature-management-with-medical-devices/
4. https://www.proactmedical.co.uk/our-products/theatre-and-critical-care-consumables/accu-pro-pressure-infusion-bags

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