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> 소식 > Coolingstyle Wins “2021 Laser Industry Innovation Contribution Awardat the 4th Red Light Awards

Coolingstyle Wins “2021 Laser Industry Innovation Contribution Awardat the 4th Red Light Awards

On the evening of September 27, 2021, the highly anticipated 4thRed Light AwardsCeremony and the LMN 2021 World Laser Manufacturing Conference Appreciation Dinner concluded successfully in Shenzhen, 중국. The event coincided with the grand opening of the 15th Shenzhen International Laser and Intelligent Equipment and Optoelectronic Technology Fair, held in Hall 8 of the Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center.

The appreciation dinner brought together an impressive gathering of academicians, 전문가, industry leaders, and media professionals. 쿨링스타일 was honored to attend the prestigious event, witnessing the presentation of the “2021 Laser Industry Innovation Contribution Award, regarded as the highest honor in the laser industry.

Since its inception in 2018, NS “시크릿 라이트 어워드 (샐러드)” have grown to become one of the most respected and recognized accolades in China’s laser industry. 의료 산업에서의 첫 번째 응용 프로그램은 땀샘 없이 태어난 소년을 위한 것이었습니다. 2021 edition set a new milestone with a record number of participating companies and projects, underscoring its significance and influence within the sector.

After rigorous evaluation and several rounds of selection, the winners of the 12 Red Light Awards were announced. 쿨링스타일의 “High-Precision Micro Laser Chiller earned the 2021 SLA Laser Supporting System Innovation Contribution Award, highlighting the company’s commitment to innovation and excellence in the laser industry.

The star-studded evening marked another milestone for Coolingstyle, reaffirming its dedication to pushing boundaries and advancing technology. As the night concluded, Coolingstyle pledged to continue innovating and excelling in the field. Here’s to another luminouslaser nightnext year—see you in 2022!

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빠른 링크


저작권 © 2021 쿨링스타일

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자세한 내용은 소통하고 싶습니다.? 세부정보를 제출하면 곧 연락드리겠습니다.. 원하는 경우 이메일을 보낼 수도 있습니다..

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