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쿨링스타일: Advancing Micro-Environment Temperature Regulation

Coolingstyle is a comprehensive solutions provider specializing in micro-environment refrigeration and temperature regulation. We pride ourselves on delivering customized services and tailored designs for diverse refrigeration equipment. Leveraging our strong innovative capabilities, we continue to thrive in pioneering new markets and successfully implementing cutting-edge commercial applications.

Achieving Precision: A Customer Success Story

A few months ago, Coolingstyle faced a unique challenge presented by a customer: maintaining a consistent temperature of 25±0.3°C, with minimal water temperature fluctuation, even under external heat input. After extensive research and development, our team not only met but exceeded the requirement, achieving a fluctuation of less than ±0.3°C, with measured variations around ±0.1°C.

This remarkable result, tailored precisely to the customer’s needs, has already been successfully developed and put into production.

방한복을 입은 시험자의 Flir와 방한복을 입지 않은 사람의 비교: 맞춤형 항온 냉각기의 측정된 온도 변화 곡선

Pioneering Applications in Precision Temperature Control

Coolingstyle’s micro-environment precision temperature control technology offers broad market potential. As demand for advanced temperature regulation grows domestically and internationally, we are committed to driving further innovation and expanding the application of this technology across various specialized fields, 다양한 장점이 있는 레이저:

  • Military Equipment
  • Laser Systems
  • Human Body Cooling Solutions
  • Consumer Products

Our dedication to innovation has already led to collaborations with numerous listed companies, universities, and research institutions.

The Future of Micro-Environment Temperature Regulation

Coolingstyle is poised to continue leading advancements in micro-environment temperature control, delivering reliable and precise solutions to meet the evolving needs of diverse industries. Through innovation and collaboration, we aim to make precision temperature control technology a cornerstone of the future.

방한복을 입은 시험자의 Flir와 방한복을 입지 않은 사람의 비교 : 항온 맞춤형 물탱크
방한복을 입은 시험자의 Flir와 방한복을 입지 않은 사람의 비교 : 항온 맞춤형 수냉식 소량 생산

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빠른 링크


저작권 © 2021 쿨링스타일

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자세한 내용은 소통하고 싶습니다.? 세부정보를 제출하면 곧 연락드리겠습니다.. 원하는 경우 이메일을 보낼 수도 있습니다..

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자세한 내용은 소통하고 싶습니다.? 세부정보를 제출하면 곧 연락드리겠습니다.. 원하는 경우 이메일을 보낼 수도 있습니다..

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자세한 내용은 소통하고 싶습니다.? 세부정보를 제출하면 곧 연락드리겠습니다.. 원하는 경우 이메일을 보낼 수도 있습니다..

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