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Bakın müşterilerimiz ne diyor! ——Singapur Stephen'dan

Selam, soğutma tarzı.

Benim adım Stephen Ryan.. Coolingstyle portatif klimam var…. Ve onu seviyorum. Açıklamama izin ver: 60 yaşında emekli askerim ve müteahhit polisim.

…. Kendi huzur evimi inşa etmeye kim karar verdi?.

Nihai yeşil enerji evini inşa ettim.

Çatımda güneş panelleri olduğunu görebilirsiniz, solar-powered hot water, and my own design of rainwater recycling system. Now the panels are from Sharp and are outstanding. But current solar energy systems are a joke. Most use an inverter to convert the 12-24 volt DC coming off the panels to 110 volt AC (in the US), 100 volt AC in Japan, veya 220-240 volt AC (in Europe and Singapore). Forget what you read in those tree-hugging websites. Using an inverter to convert DC to AC current will rob you of more than half your energy. Most commercial solar energy systems can barely generate enough power to boil a tea kettle. But the Coolingstyle Portable Air Conditioner runs directly on DC. There is no energy loss through inversion, and the results are amazing. I installed the Coolingstyle AC.

… by first cutting the glass to fit the effluent pipe.

And covering it with a shroud.

I then mounted the AC unit on a shelving unit that can also function as a desk (I sit Japanese-style on the floor using tatami mats).

My house has a redundant wiring systems for the solar panels, and I tapped into them directly via the main circuit-breaker board. The result is pure paradise. I am currently getting 12-13 hours of operations per day (Singapore is on the equator, and the sun here is as scorching as that which I experienced in the Gulf).

Now we have turned the tables on Mother Nature. The hotter the sun, the BETTER the system works.

I look forward to blistering hot days, because my Coolingstyles will be belting out cold air.

Which brings us to the second point: Most of these idiot solar energy systems use a battery pack to run at night. To power my home through to morning, I would need a battery pack the size of a small room. But with Coolingstyle portables running in each room, my house is ALREADY cool by evening. Evet, I have four massive 1.5 pica Sharp airconditioners. But the house is already cool, so they only have to run 10 minutes per hour to keep my place comfortable. Bu arada, I use my Coolingstyle portables as night lights. I surround them with day curtains, and the results are very pleasing.

Bu devrim niteliğinde bir cihaz. Güneş enerjisi kullanan ev sahipleri için, pahalı ve arızaya meyilli inverterleri doğrudan tahrikli DC klimalarla kaldırabiliriz. Yani güneşten bedava enerji isteyen herkese…. BU ÜRÜNÜ SATIN AL. Better still, become a re-seller and make a fortune. The market is huge: You can approach every homeowner who used his government solar energy grant …. And got stuck with a turkey on his roof. The Coolingstyle airconditioner is an easy after-market fix that will get all these solar energy systems to work as intended. Thank you Coolingstyle!!

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